"I used to know a really cool guy named Robert Fields. He was a pagan truck driver. Well, I say 'pagan'- more specifically he was a practicing Sumerian. He was soft-spoken and calm, but I always had that feeling that things could go 'nuclear' at any moment the way you feel around unhinged people. Some of his National Guard stories were CRAZY. Anyway, he used to visit me at work and one day he strolled in with a bag of chocolate turtles from the nearby 'Mo's Nuthouse'. He told me he had a strict physical and dietary discipline, but once-and only once- a year he 'allowed' himself one small gluttonous indulgence in the form of sweets."
lol, so what exactly is a "grinding chew!"?
Haha! YOU know- that real slow vice-like chew using primarily bicuspids and molars.
I wonder how he'd ever react if someone put their hands on him... y'know, like clutching his shoulder to tell him something?
UHH- You mean tell him something along the lines of 'Hey, that's MY bunk!' ?? ....heee would PRObablyyyy react with a VERY loud retort, running all the words together real fast- "YOUWILLNOTTOUCHME!!!!"aaaand then probablyyy punch his lights out. out cold. one punch. (if readers haven't figured it out by now, the situation Rodbcon and I are talking about really happened LOL.)
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